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Legislative Day 2020

January 16, 2020

Legislative Day 2020 attracted and empowered over 200 veteran and new school counselors, students and counselor educators from a variety of schools and counties across the state. We visited every single legislator’s office to encourage them to support a 1:250 ratio and even had a personal visit from Secretary Qarni, the Secretary of Education thanking VSCA and those in attendance for the work we have done and will do for students across Virginia. 

Past Legislative Days

  • 2019: January -  74 members of VSCA showed up on Legislative Day to show support for bills supporting a 1:250 ratio and 80/20 service to students.  We had the largest turnout yet of school counselors across the state of Virginia.  The power of the members of VSCA is proof that we can make big changes happen if we work together!

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